Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm an Aunt!!

I am an Aunt for the very first time to a beautiful niece and nephew. Ellen McCall Gresham and Cole Robinson Gresham, Jr. were born July 13, 2010 (the day after my birthday). We got a phone call Tuesday morning from Cole that Anna's water had broken. I jumped out of bed, got my shower, packed my bag, went to pick up Sara and we were headed to Birmingham. We got to the hospital just as Anna was pushing. We were all out in the waiting room, we were so excited that we couldn't sit down.

My mom was so excited that she went and stood outside Anna's door for a minute.
We had no idea what Anna was having. She didn't find out til they were born. From the beginning my sister Sara and I thought it would be a boy and a girl, but everyone else seemed to think 2 boys. Well Sara and I were right, it was a girl and a boy. Cole texted us as soon as the first baby came out, we were dying to know what it was but they didn't tell us til Cole came out in the waiting room to let everyone know. I took a picture of the clock when Cole let us know that the first one was out, which i think the text he sent was a little delayed. About 5min or so later, the second came out.

Cole finally came out of the room to let all of us know that they had a precious little girl and precious little boy, they got a nurse to come out with him so they could capture our reactions on video. It was such a special moment. Everyone on that floor could probably hear us screaming. Ellen weighed 4lbs. 6oz. and Cole weighed 4lbs. 3 oz., precious, precious babies.
We were finally able to go in and see Anna. She looked great!! Anna was the one to let us know what they had named both babies.

The babies are in the NICU but are doing very well. The sad thing was is that Sara nor I could see them. They only let parents and grandparents in the NICU. It was killing me not to be able to see them. I got mom to take my camera in the NICU to take some pictures b/c that is all i have. They are the cutest little babies I have ever seen, I admit I am a little biased but it's true they are very cute!

I am so ready for those precious babies to come home. I am ready to hold and love on both of them. I am so happy for Anna and Cole, they are going to be such amazing parents. Words can't describe how proud I am to be an Aunt to these two amazing babies. It's the best feeling. I can't wait to see what life has in store for them and to watch them grow.

Sweet little Ellen. I just love her dark hair!

Precious little Cole. His hair is lighter than Ellen's, we think he looks like Anna!


  1. Congrats Auntie! That is so exciting... I'm so glad that everyone is doing well!

  2. That is so exciting! I have bee waiting to see pictures of those babes! Congrats to you all and I agree Cole does look like Anna!
    Rachel Davis is in labor RIGHT NOW! Im on pins and needles, texting her hubby non stop

  3. Thanks Jennifer! I haven't talked to you in forever, we need to talk soon.

    Thanks Laura! It is so exciting. I am such a proud Aunt. I just can't wait to get my hands on them. Oh my gosh, i can't believe Rachel is in labor. Keep me updated! Hope you are doing and feeling well!

  4. You are right! They are adorable. How exciting. I know you will be a great aunt!
