Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Four Months!

I can't believe that our baby boy is 4 months old. Jack turned 4 months on Friday Jan. 27th. Time is going by so fast and I look forward to each stage, but I want it to slow down a little. My baby is growing and changing so fast.

He is holding his head up much better these days and enjoys sitting in his bumbo for a few minutes at a time.

At daycare they put him in an exersaucer and he loves it. I think he likes being able to sit up and look at everything. He likes checking everyone and everything out. He is trying to sit up. When I put him in his car seat before I strap him in he trys to sit up and whenever I put him in the corner of the couch or in his glider he always trys to sit up. He is getting better at grabbing for toys.
We put him in his jumperoo that his MaeMae and Papa gave him this past weekend for the first time. He isn't long enough to reach the floor so we have to put a book under his feet. He wasn't quite sure what to do so he just sat there and looked around. I'm sure it won't take him long to figure out how to jump and once he does I think he will go to town.

He smiles at us all the time now and talks to us, it melts my heart.

My favorite time is when I go in his room in the mornings to get him up and he just smiles and laughs. I love it! His laughs are so funny, Rob and I crack up every time. He is generally a very happy baby. The only times he really gets upset and mad is when he is tired or hungry. I love having a happy baby. He is sleeping through the night. Our routine is get home from daycare, Rob and I eat dinner while Jack hangs out in his swing our bouncy seat. Then it's bath time and like I said in my previous post, he loves bath time. After bath time we get lotioned up and dressed and then it's time for his last bottle. He is in bed by 7 or 7:30 every night. We usually have to get up once or twice just to put a paci back in, but he doesn't wake up until about 6:30 the next morning. It's wonderful. It is so nice not having to get up for those middle of the night feedings, especially since I'm back at work.

I took him to the doctor for his 4 month check up yesterday. Here are his stats:
14.5lbs (45%) and 24.5 inches long (45%)
At the doctors office before he got his shots!
So he's about right in the middle for his weight and height. The doctor was happy with his growth. I'm so happy we have a growing boy. The doc said we can start feeding him rice cereal, so that should be interesting..haha. He also said that Jack was teething. I figured he was because he chews and sucks on his hands all the time and is drooling a lot more. Poor baby had to get 3 shots. He did not like those at all but did good with them. He screamed but as soon as I picked him up and loved on him, he was fine.
He is so much fun now. I miss being with him all day every day. I look so forward to the weekends now bc they are spent with my baby. We are enjoying and cherishing every day with our little guy. It is so amazing to watch this little guy change and learn new things. He is the light of our lives!!


  1. He is just so darn adorable! And I LOVE that first cute!

  2. mary alice,
    he is SO precious and i can tell he is one LOVED little boy.
