Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Photo a day Challenge!

I have been a complete blog slacker lately. I have no excuse other than I just don't want to sit down at a computer when I get home. In an attempt to get back on the blogging band wagon I have decided to do a photo a day challenge. In the month of February my goal is to take a picture a day and post it. I have already started doing it through Instagram on my Iphone but I am going to start posting them here. Hopefully this will help me get my motivation back!

Day 1/Photo 1...Jack loves to say shhh and puts his finger up to his mouth!!

Day 2/Photo 2...Sweet Friends!!

Day 3/Photo 3...getting a little reading in before bed!!

Day 4/Photo 4...My favorite part of the day, picking my boy up from day care!!

I will not always be posting all of these in a big group, my goal is to post a picture on my blog every day. So look for another picture later today for Day 5! Let's see if I can get my motivation back :)!!

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