Sunday, September 2, 2012

Eleven Months!

How is it that we are only one month away from having a one year old?! This first year has flown by but it's been so much fun.

Jack turned 11 months at the end of August. I am just getting around to writing his post, I just don't have as much time to sit at the computer anymore.

Let's see what Jack is up to at 11 months:

- He is CRAWLING!! He has been so close to crawling for a while now and finally at 11 months decided he'd go for it. Let me just say, he is all over the place! He doesn't just sit and play with toys anymore, he is all over the house trying to get into everything. I guess it's time for some baby gates!!

- He says Mama and Dada and knows who we are

- He is wearing mostly 12m clothes but some 18m depending on the brand. He is still in a size 3 diaper but I think we are getting close to switching to size 4.

- I'm not sure how much he weighs or how tall he is now. We will go for his one year check up in a few weeks.

- He is finally getting his first tooth. I will usually feel in his mouth every now and then and last weekend I felt a tooth on the bottom. I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever get teeth...haha. He hasn't been fussy with it at all. Hopefully all his teeth will be that way.

- We have had to move his crib mattress down. He's not pulling up but so close to it and it scares me that if he were to pull up and the mattress not be lowered that he would try to climb out or fall over the side. We had to move it down for our peace of mind.

- He is trying to pull up on everything. He's done it a few times but is getting better at it every day.

isn't this cute, he loves to sit on his knees and feet :)

- He is still taking a 6oz morning bottle. He takes a sippy cup for his mid-morning feeding and a sippy cup for his afternoon feeding. He is doing very well with the sippy. For breakfast he eats oatmeal and a stage 2 fruit and for lunch he eats a stage 2 veggie and half of a stage 2 fruit. In the afternoons he will have some puffs or veggie melts and the other half of his fruit. He is also still taking a night time bottle right before bed.

- He sleeps great! We have been lucky in this department. He goes to bed around 6:15 or so every night and gets up around 6am but I do not get him out of bed til 6:30. He never cries in his bed, he will just sit there and play until we come in to get him. He has started sleeping on his side and will sometimes sleep on his tummy with his booty in the air, it's so cute!!

- He loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the mornings and loves when they sing the Hotdog song. It's cute how he'll just sit and be so focused on the tv.

watching mickey mouse clubhouse

- He can wave bye bye. Whenever you walk out of the room or into the room he will wave to you. When you say bye bye he will start waving, it's the cutest thing.

waving bye bye
- He doesn't like to sit still for pictures anymore. It takes a lot these days to get a good picture!!

- He loves to laugh! His laugh is the sweetest cutest thing you've ever heard. He also loves to clap. He is mostly a very happy baby!

He is so much fun!! It's a whole different experience now that he is crawling, I can't imagine when he starts to walk. He still babbles all the time and I love it. I am in the process of planning his first birthday party. I can't believe it really is almost here. I can't believe we are about to have a one year old. We love this little boy so much, words can't even begin to describe it.

Jack, your dad and I are so extremely blessed to have you in our lives. You are such a joy! I have no idea what we did before we had you. You have truly enriched our lives! I hope you always know how much you are loved!!

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