Friday, March 11, 2011

10 weeks

I was 10 weeks on Thursday. I have seen a lot of people do this on their blog so I thought it would be fun also.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 10 weeks 1 day

Size of baby:(this is according to Baby's now the size of a prune!With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will start working too.)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Maternity Clothes: I have no idea about the weight gain./The only thing Maternity I'm wearing now is one pair of jeans that I have.

Gender: Don't know yet. Will find out in about 9 weeks or so. Can't wait!

Movement: none

Food Cravings: no food cravings. The only time I really want something is if I see or smell something someone else has and then it usually makes me want whatever it is..hah.

What I miss: nothing really. I waited for this pregnancy too long. I am going to try and enjoy each moment no matter what it is.

Sleep:  No problems in the sleeping dept. yet!

Symptoms: The only symptom I have had is I'm just more tired. I also have trouble eating. I get full really quick and if I eat too much I do not feel good, it seems like the food just sits in my stomach. My doc told me to just eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3 big meals.

Best Moment this week: Just knowing that this precious baby is growing inside me

 What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to hearing the heartbeat for the first time at the end of this month.

Here is a picture of Baby Mosley at 9 weeks. He/she looks like a fat peanut but you can see some little arms and legs starting to grow. It's so neat to watch this little baby grow. I am loving every second!

"For this child, we have prayed." 1 Samuel 1:27


  1. I love the update... This is such an exciting time so enjoy every moment of it! It will go by fast and then, they grow so fast. Cole is only 6 weeks old and he's growing and changing so much already!

  2. What a precious and sweet little post! Love the updates to the blog look as well!

  3. That's the cutest fat peanut I've ever seen!
