Jack was a month old yesterday. It's amazing how fast time is flying already. Everyone has always told me not to take any moments for granted bc they will grow up before you know it, and I believe it. We have had a good first month with our son. At first, right after we came home was a big adjustment. We had to get used to little sleep, which we are still getting used to, we also had to figure out his eating. My plan before I had him was to breastfeed and I gave it my best shot. Breastfeeding is hard, people had told me that the first few weeks were hard but to stick with it because it would get easier. Well with him being so little when he was born it made us nervous. I tried my best to breastfeed, but as soon as he would be finished, he would be hungry a few minutes later. It was like he wasn't getting enough from me. He kept losing weight and that stressed us out, we couldn't relax. We finally started using bottles. I am pumping now and we give him some breast milk and some formula and it is working out great, we are all much more relaxed.
We went today for his 1 month doctors appointment and it went great. He now weighs 7lbs, he weighed 5lbs 12 oz at birth, when we left the hospital he was down to 5lbs 2oz and then lost down to 4lbs 14oz. We were thrilled with his weight gain and so was the doctor. He was also 20 1/4 in. long, he was 18in at birth. We were so happy to hear that our little man is growing.
At one month he is following things and voices with his eyes more. When Rob or I talk to him looks at us and will sometimes follow our voices. He also gives us a smile every now and then, which I am sure is due to gas but I sure do love to see it. We have done just a little bit of tummy time, he doesn't last very long. Whenever I put him on my shoulder to burp him, he always tries to lift his head and he's pretty good at it. When we lay him on his play mat he can't lift his head, not even a little yet. He eats about every 3 hours sometimes 2. He is pretty much a very happy baby.
We are SO incredibly blessed to have this little boy in our lives. When I look at him sometimes I can't believe he is all mine. We are enjoying every second with our little guy, we are so in love with him. We look forward to watching him grow!
Allie had to check him out |