Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jack's Birth Story

Sorry I am just now getting around to doing this post. Any of you that have had a newborn know that it's hard to get anything done when your trying to get adjusted and figure each other out. We are finally starting to get a little more adjusted around here. Here is a recap of Jack's birthday!

My entire pregnancy has been wonderful, I have had no problems and I have felt good. On Sunday 9/25/11 I was noticing that I was having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, I had been having them but just not as many. They didn't hurt at all but on some of them it would take my breath. I didn't really think anything about it. I didn't sleep good that night, Rob had a suspicion that something was going on but neither of us thought that I would go into labor.

Monday morning 9/26/11 I got up and started getting ready for work. As I was getting ready I started to have some crampy feelings. This is the first time in my entire pregnancy that I had felt any sort of pain or cramp. When I started feeling that I figured ok, I'm starting to have a few contractions. I still didn't think anything of it, I mean women can have contractions for days or weeks. I got ready and I went to work. While sitting at work I was having more contractions but they weren't close together or anything and they didn't really hurt that bad. I worked all day and at 5:00 I left work and headed home. As I was pulling in my neighborhood, I started to have this intense pain. So intense that I had to stop the car in the middle of the road. It only lasted a second and I thought ok this is just a really bad contraction, still not thinking that I'm going into labor anytime soon. I pull into our garage and as soon as I get out of my car, I feel a big GUSH. I think, oh my gosh, I bet my water just broke. I walk in the house and Rob is laying on the couch playing a video game. I put my purse on the counter and I say, "I think my water just broke." Rob looked at me and said "What", I said "I think my water just broke, but let me go to the bathroom first and make sure." Rob jumped up off the couch and started gathering all of our stuff and putting it in the car. I come out of the bathroom and sure enough my water had broken and this was it. I couldn't believe it!
Rob and I jumped in the car and headed to Montgomery to the hospital. I called my parents and my sisters and Rob called his dad. We called a few friends on the way. No one could believe that we were in labor. I was only 38 wks and 3 days. On the ride to the hospital we timed my contractions and they were starting to come every 2 to 3 min. They still weren't super painful at this point. I have never seen Rob drive so fast in my life..haha. We arrive at the hospital around 6 and get checked in. The nurse came in to check me to see if my water had really broken. She had to do a swab test and if it changed color then my water had broken, if it didn't change color then my water hadn't broken. Well the swab didn't change color. I was thinking, are you serious, I know my water broke! The nurse said that didn't necessarily mean anything, that I could just have a high leak. She said that they would watch me for a little bit and see what happens. At this point Rob and I were thinking, they are not going to send us home. We were going to make them at least keep us over night, I mean we live an hour away. By this point my contractions were HURTING! I was always scared that I wouldn't know what a contraction felt like, well there was no mistaking these, it hurt! About an hour later the nurses had a shift change and I got a new nurse. She came in to check me and as soon as she did the rest of my water broke, and at that point I was 4cm. She got my IV started, my contractions were really bad at this point. She told me that they had to give me a bag of fluids and when that was finished they could give me the epidural. She said it would take the fluids about 30 min. to finish. She said that they could give me some pain meds but I said no thank you. I had heard that those pain meds make you tired and loopy and I didn't want to be either of those, I was just going to tough it out for 30 more minutes. Once the fluids finished, the anesthesiologist came in and started my epidural. Well, it didn't take on the left side so she had to redo it. I told her she could redo it as many times as she wanted as long as it worked. The epidural was heaven!! I do not know how or why women do this naturally, there is no way I could have done it. And by having the epidural, I enjoyed the whole experience instead of being in horrible pain the whole time. After the epidural, I visited with everyone. My mom (MaeMae) made it, my sisters made it and Rob's dad (Pop) made it. By midnight I was 9 cm and the nurse told me to get ready that we would start doing some practice pushes until the doc gets here. I started to get nervous again, I know I had the epidural but I still wasn't sure what this whole process was going to be/feel like. Around 12:30a.m. I started pushing....     TO BE CONTINUED!

Waiting around for Jack...

Anna & Sara being silly

9 cm...It's almost time!

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