Thursday, May 5, 2011

18 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 18 weeks!!

Size of baby:(this is according to Baby's now the size of a sweet potato!Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Maternity Clothes: I think I have gained about 2 lbs so far. I am definitely wearing maternity pants and some maternity tops. They are just more comfortable.

Gender: WE FIND OUT THE GENDER OF BABY MOSLEY TOMORROW(FRIDAY)!!! We are so excited and can't wait

Movement: I'm not sure if I have felt movement. I felt a few flutters but I'm not sure if it's gas or the baby.

Food Cravings: no food cravings. The only time I really want something is if I see or smell something someone else has and then it usually makes me want whatever it is..hah.

What I miss: nothing really. I waited for this pregnancy too long. I am going to try and enjoy each moment no matter what it is.

Sleep:  No problems in the sleeping dept. yet!

Symptoms: The only symptom I have had is I'm just more tired. I also have trouble eating. I get full really quick and if I eat too much I do not feel good, it seems like the food just sits in my stomach. My doc told me to just eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3 big meals.

Best Moment this week: We will be finding out what our little one will be. I have loved watching my belly grow knowing that that is our child growing in there.

 What I am looking forward to: Finding out if we are having a daughter or a son!!!

I have not taken many belly pictures. I have meant to, but I always seem to forget. Plus I do not like pictures of myself. But here are 2 pictures, since everyone has been asking for some.

10 weeks

17 weeks

I will probably have a hard time sleeping tonight b/c I am so excited about tomorrow. Rob nor I care what gender our baby is, we just hope it's healthy and measuing right on track. Don't worry another post will be up sometime tomorrow.


  1. Ahhh! A real bump!!! So exciting! I can't wait for tomorrow.

  2. yay, so glad to see pics and can't wait to hear the news from the big day tomorrow!
